Credit Repair News and Discussion

Credit Repair, Equifax, TransUnion ,collection agency, creditors, fix credit bad, credit bankruptcy News and Discussion

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Credit Repair Tip of the day.

Tip of the day.
Call up all of your credit card companies that you have credit cards with and start asking questions.

Ask them things such as:
• "What would happen if I don't make payments for 1, 3, 6 months? What does this do to my credit report and credit score?"
• "What are the worst mistakes that people make with their credit cards?"
• "At what point will your company sue me if I don't make my payments?"

Explain to the lady that you're not planning to do any of these things but that you'd like to know their policies regarding these matters. Simply asking pointed questions like these will generate quite a bit of conversation and thus learning curve for you.

Ask what ever questions you can think of. Aside from reading your contracts with your creditors, this is the only way you're going to figure out the upside and downside of dealing with each particular creditor.

Monty Loree